UNLIMITED I, On the corporate training revolution

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Leandro Adolfo Viltard


The unlimited is a borderless territory where the whole world is inmerse. In this study, it is shown that the unlimited is present in education and, specifically, in the corporate educational arena. Helped by technology and automation, disruptive leaders are challenging the way things are done, the way we think and, in addtion, what we are.

After performing a documentation analysis, conclusions are that big problems –as education- need cheap and scaled technology; leadership and organizations must evolve to less human intervention; education and training need a rethought; Eduaction-2-Employment (E2E) is key for unemployment; and that new educational structures, delivery methods, pedagogical approaches and advanced Learning Management Systems (LMS) are observed proposing huge transformations in the corporate educational arena.

This is a qualitative investigation with a not experimental and transversal research design.


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Author Biography

Leandro Adolfo Viltard, Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina, Buenos Aires, Universidad de Palermo, Buenos Aires, Universidad Argentina de la Empresa (UADE, Buenos Aires), Universidad de San Isidro (USI, Buenos Aires) and Universidad del Pacífico, Ecuador.

Dr. Leandro A. Viltard

Specialities: Business, Administration, Education & Corporate training.



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