The death of the business plan more than ever, learning plans and not business plans are meant to analyze most of business growth alternatives

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Leandro Adolfo Viltard


This article explores the nature and scope of Business Plans (BP) and Learning Plans (LP). It states that competitiveness and productivity must be understood through the globalization borderless geography, the identification of innovation key drivers, the achievement of a sustainable competitive advantage, the distinction between functional and innovative products and finally the application of the right management/business tools. In this context, LPs portray a flexible work plan and a learning process for fast-changing times. The final conclusion, is that as the unpredictability is part of our common lives today and business as usual should be rare, BPs are about to die.

This is a qualitative investigation and the research design is transversal and not experimental.



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Author Biography

Leandro Adolfo Viltard, - Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina, Buenos Aires. - Universidad de Palermo, Buenos Aires.

Aministration - Professor


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