Study of fruit pulp chain from the perspective of Supply Chain Management (SCM)
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Globalization and the advent of Information and communication technologies have influenced substantial changes in forms of management. The intense global competitive scenario have generated new forms of competition for the various players. Faced with the unstable and complex environment, organizations need to focus their efforts on shared strategies. Agribusiness presents a set of specificities that lead to greater complexity to manage the activities. Regarding the agro industrial fruit pulp chain, this dynamic becomes even more complex, considering the peculiarities of the sector. Therefore, this paper aims to describe the fruit pulp chain from the perspective of the business processes of Supply Chain Management (SCM). To do so, eight business processes were considered for the qualitative analysis supported by the bibliographical research on a well-known scientific basis such as Web of Science, Scopus and Ebsco. Considering the study of a current phenomenon and according to the profile of the research agents, it is a multiple case study applied in four fruit pulp processing agroindustries. The results describe the business processes and the activities that compose it in the fruit pulp sector, allowing understanding the synchronous and dependent relationship between the processes, as well as the importance of information sharing in the dynamics among all activities.
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