Unlimited, Blurred limits in a borderless world

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Leandro Adolfo Viltard



This study explores the difficulties of the unlimited, a world which everyday is more connected to imprecise limits, instability and unclear visibility. The unlimited is the realm of the vague and blurred.

The objective of this paper is to analyze the driving forces that are dramatically transforming the business environment and proposing consequences on how value is created, and show their huge impact on actual firm’s industrial sectors, business models, and products/services. It is made a reference to the disrupting technologies that are known today and are abruptly changing the future and the executive’s role.

It states that traditional strategic and analytical tools are diminishing their impact and effectiveness, and that old paradigms must be revised. New factors as money, global cities and speed are having tremendous consequences on businesses and society. Technology and digitalization propose instant interactions, data analysis and hyper scaling, and also new optimized lives, complex tasks resolution and decision-making improvements through opening and interconnecting new fields. Innovation creates new wealth, advancement and growth, and it is the basis for new generation products which referrer to modularity, platforms, global resources and one-consumer-experience-at-a-time for interactive and collaborative experiences, services, processes and business models.

The study was exploratory and descriptive, and a qualitative methodology was used. Its design was not experimental and transversal, as the information was collected at a given moment in time.


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