Emotional intelligence and organizational competitiveness: management model approach

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John N. N. Ugoani


Modern organization theory considers emotional intelligence as the index of competencies that help organizations to develop a vision for competitiveness. It also allows organizational leaders to enthusiastically commit to the vision, and energize organizational members to achieve the vision. To maximize competiveness organizations use models to simplify and clarify thinking, to identify important aspects, to suggest explanations and to predict consequences, and explore other performance areas that would otherwise be hidden in an excess of words. The survey research design was used to explore the relationship between emotional intelligence and organizational competitiveness. The study found that emotional intelligence has strong positive relationship with organizational competitiveness


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Author Biography

John N. N. Ugoani, College of Management and Social Sciences, Rhema University

John N. N. Ugoani, holds a PhD degree in management. He is a senior lecturer and coordinator College of Management and Social Sciences at Rhema University Aba, Nigeria, and teaches courses on business, management, production management, human resource management, industrial relations, psychology and industrial psychology. John has over scholarly publications with over 1000 full text readership downloads and 5000 abstract views worldwide. He is listed among Ten Top Authors by Social Science Research Network. His present research interests are in the areas of emotional intelligence, managerial psychology, global human resource management, bank management, conflict management, governance, knowledge management, leadership, entrepreneurship, diversity, public policy, among others. Before entering academia, he was a senior manager at First Bank until 2009.


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