Documentary study of value cocriation in private higher education: the case in a post-graduation program

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Luis Carlos Alves da Silva
Maicon da Silva
Flávio Régio Brambilla


The purpose of this article was to make a documentary analysis of value creation in private higher education in a postgraduate program at a University located in the Rio Pardo / RS Valley. Value co-creation has become important in the last few decades, allowing for steady improvements for companies. In this sense, one of the main characteristics of value creation is to understand consumer behavior, as well as to identify their needs and desires. In this way, in private higher education, more precisely in the university environment, participation, interaction, relationships and mutual exchange of experiences between teacher and student occurs, that is, so that the process of teaching learning between the parties is satisfactory. Methodologically, this article was carried out through a qualitative descriptive approach, through a documentary analysis in the program site, in the regulation of the same, and, contract of provision of academic services. Still, it is interesting to note that value creation in education is directly related to the quality of education. Finally, the volume of studies about the process of value creation in education is expressly reduced.


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