The service-dominant logic in marketing: an essay with teachers and students of the master's in administration

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Maicon da Silva


This study responds to a theoretical essay, where it sought to analyses the dominant logic of service in marketing and its contextualization, based on studies initiated by exponents such as Vargo and Lusch in 2004. In other words, this new logic interpreted that value is constructed from the perspective of value in individual or social use. Also, it was sought to bring findings of the evolution of the concept of marketing, because it has been the concern of researchers in the area over the past decades. Still, since 2004, theories have been developed about this orientation of the "new logic". In this period, the proposers of the Vargo and Lusch theory reviewed the Foundational Assumptions (FPs) of the "Service Dominant Logic" (SDL), where some years later was added an eleventh FP written in the article of (Vargo & Lusch, 2016) "the co-creation of value is coordinated through institutions managed by an actor and institutional arrangements". In this way, this essay approached private higher education through reports from teachers (teachers) and students (students) of the Master's Degree in Administration at a University located in the Pardo River Valley/RS, more precisely the classroom of that course, addressing the interactive relationships between the parties in the process of teaching learning and knowledge construction. Finally, studies based on the dominant logic of service in marketing and the co-creation of value, consists of resuming studies of the last decade in the marketing area, providing advances for integrative issues, where companies need to differentiate themselves in relation to their competitors, seeking to offer the best products and/or services.


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Author Biography

Maicon da Silva, Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul

Mestre em Administração. Especialista em MBA em Gestão Empreendedora de Negócios, MBA em Gestão de Pessoas e Recursos Humanos, Docência no Ensino Superior e Docência no Ensino Técnico e Profissional. Pós-Graduando em Tutoria em Educação a Distância. Graduado em Administração (Bacharelado). Administrador da Empresa Fácilserv Serviços Terceirizados Ltda. Administrador (Responsável Técnico) das Empresas Apolo Construtora Ltda, Seidel e Bergmann Ltda, RHCIDADE Soluções Humanas Ltda. Experiência no setor administrativo público e privado. Elaboração de projetos e captação de recursos do Governo Federal e Estadual. Contratação e Gerenciamento de Pessoal. Marketing Direto. Treinamento e Desenvolvimento de Profissionais. Assessoria de Imprensa.


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