Restriction analysis: an applied view in a public educational institution of the Rio Grande do Sul
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This study aims to analyze the applicability of the five steps of the theory of restrictions as an alternative for improving the efficiency of processes in a public organization. Methodologically the study is characterized as descriptive and exploratory, with bibliographic research and data analysis being performed qualitatively. The research was carried out in loco, through the observation technique. As main results of the research, the feasibility and importance of the application of the tool is ratified, directly impacting on efficiency and quality maximization in the services offered to society and optimizing public resources, which can be applied in other sectors of our society. With the efficiency in achieving the applicability of the five steps of the theory of restrictions, the management and identification of the bottleneck in the process of cooperation agreements contributed to speed up public service. The research becomes relevant since it encourages the application of the theory of restrictions in public entities, being a tool for identifying restrictions in processes, providing greater protection against human weaknesses and also reducing the possibility of errors and irregularities, demonstrating care with public resources to the population and applying them efficiently.
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