Motivation impulses customers' online shopping intention via cashback and rewards mobile applications
Main Article Content
The field of cashback and rewards applications is still a relatively new platform in the e-commerce platform that has not had many research papers pay attention to. The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the factors that contribute to customers' impulsive online purchasing intentions when using cashback and rewards applications (apps) in Ho Chi Minh City. Using the theory of behavioral intention (TRA, TPB, TAM, UTAUT1,2) of Ajzen and Fishbein (1975, 1980), Ajzen (1985, 1991), Davis (1989) and Venkatesh, Thong and Xu (2012), and the Motivation Model - MM of Davis, Bagozzi and Warshaw (1992) as the foundation for proposing a research model, this research was conducted. Thus, six factors influence consumers' online purchasing intentions via cashback and rewards apps: Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Convenience Social Influence, Price Value, Trust, and Perceived Enjoyment. These factors are considered under two aspects: extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. Official quantitative research conducted in Ho Chi Minh City surveyed 220 consumers. According to Cronbach's Alpha, EFA factor analysis, and regression correlation, the six factors that suggest studying consumers' online shopping intentions via cashback and rewards apps in Ho Chi Minh City in the same direction are Price Value, Social Influence, Trust, Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Convenience, and Perceived Enjoyment, in order of strength. In general, when factors are classified as intrinsic or extrinsic motivations, research indicates that extrinsic motivations have a greater influence on users' intention for using. Additionally, the research reveals no differences in online shopping intention via cashback and rewards apps based on income or age, but did discover differences based on gender. Since then, proposing some governance implications for Vietnamese online shopping businesses in order to provide solutions for future sales growth. As a result, the company may consider segmenting its users according to gender in order to prioritize the creation of extrinsic influences in addition to intrinsic motivational stimuli. It will effectively promote customers' consumption behavior.
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