A hybrid model for planning programming and control of production for micro and small enterprises

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Evellyn de Morais Galvão
Bianca Carina Valente
Syntia Lemos Cotrim
Gislaine Camila Lapasini Leal
Edwin Vladimir Cardoza Galdamez


Competition among small and medium-sized enterprises has grown over the years due to the advancement of technology and the globalization of the market and operations. Production Planning, Programming and Control (PPCP) acts as a link between management and manufacturing, in these small and medium-sized enterprises. The present study, through an action research in a microenterprise manufacturer of Brooms made of PET, aimed at the implementation of a hybrid PPCP system. The model was proposed by using the concepts of Lean Manufacturing, to map and know the process eliminating wasted time and resources, Theory of Constraints to identify constraints and bottlenecks and the MRP system to act within the context of pushed production. Therefore, it is possible to obtain a Framework that presents the method used in the implementation of the work, which provided with results such as production order, security stock, and correct input definition. The model put the company in other level of organization and efficiency in the use of resources.


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