Some dynamic models of rigid memory mechanisms

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Florian Ion Tiberiu Petrescu
Relly Victoria Virgil Petrescu
صندلی اداری


Rigid memory mechanisms have played an important role in the history of mankind, contributing greatly to the industrial, economic, social changes in society, thus leading to a real evolution of mankind. Used in automated tissue wars, in cars as distribution mechanisms, automated machines, mechanical transmissions, robots and mechatronics, precision devices, and medical devices, these mechanisms have been real support for mankind along the time. For this reason, it considered being useful this paper, which presents some dynamic models that played an essential role in designing rigid memory mechanisms.


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Author Biographies

Florian Ion Tiberiu Petrescu, IFToMM

Ph.D. Eng. Florian Ion T. PETRESCU

Senior Lecturer at UPB (Bucharest Polytechnic University), Theory of Mechanisms and Robots department,

Date of birth: March.28.1958; Higher education: Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Faculty of Transport, Road Vehicles Department, graduated in 1982, with overall average 9.63;

Doctoral Thesis: "Theoretical and Applied Contributions About the Dynamic of Planar Mechanisms with Superior Joints".

Expert in: Industrial Design, Mechanical Design, Engines Design, Mechanical Transmissions, Dynamics, Vibrations, Mechanisms, Machines, Robots.


Member ARoTMM, IFToMM, SIAR, FISITA, SRR, AGIR. Member of Board of SRRB (Romanian Society of Robotics).

Relly Victoria Virgil Petrescu, IFToMM

Senior Lecturer at UPB (Bucharest Polytechnic University)


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