Self –Engineering Strategy of Six Dimentional Inter-Subcultural Mental Images
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How the people continually create and recreate the six dimensional inter inter subcultural relationships from strategic point of view? Can they engeene and direct it toward creating a set of peacefull subcultures? This paper answers to these questions. Our mental images shape the quantity and quality of our relationships. The six dimensions of mental images are: my mental image about me, your mental image about you, my mental image you, your mental image about me, my imagination about your image about me and your imagination about my mental image about you. Strategic engineering is dynamic shaping this images and imaginations. This survey based on object and the relation between variables is explanatory, correlation and quantitative. The target community members are 90 educated people from universities. The data hes been collected through questionnaire and interviewand has been analysed by descriptive statistical techniques and qualitative method. our finding shows that engineering and deliberatly managing the process of inter subcultural transactions in the national and global level can able us to reform continually a peacfull set of learner subculturals towaaard recreat a peacfull unit global Home.
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