Creating Sustainable Value (CSV) and innovation process under Stakeholder Theory

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Iara Tonissi Moroni Cutovoi
صندلی اداری


This article aims to look at how organizations seek to improve their competitiveness through the development of a model that integrates the management and systemic practice form with which relate the economic, social and environmental areas, processes and engagement of stakeholders or interested parties, in the context of sustainability and value of innovation. Methodologically, the study may be considered exploratory and descriptive in relation to the purposes and regards the bibliographic resources. Further, organizations seek to interact in a competitive environment, and through the model of Sustainable value of Hart and Milstein, the innovation and the parties concerned, respectively, with the central point generating sustainable values. Finally. the engagement of stakeholders become increasingly important strategic for enterprises and show how the global challenges associated with sustainable development, working collaboratively, as well as can help to identify strategies through sustainable practices. The article concludes that several successful models of the sustainable generation of value, are possible because of the economic, environmental and social dimensions.


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