Institutionalization of the Accounting Profession: Ukrainian Case
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The aim of the study is to identify the influence of institutionalism on the accounting profession in Ukraine, in particular, to establish and assess the factors of such influence, its tools, characteristics and forecasting, on this basis, the prospects for the development of the institution of the accounting profession with an emphasis on the agricultural industry. Institutional impact on the accounting profession and its consequences are revealed through the use of a historical approach in research. To assess the initial conditions that have developed in Ukraine in matters of accounting, its development, the impact on it of existing institutions, including international ones, empirical analysis and assessment of the process of institutionalization of the accounting profession and its description in scientific professional literature were applied. To collect sociological information on the nature and characteristics of the accounting profession, a survey was conducted of 180 accountants of private agricultural enterprises and 70 accountants of state enterprises of the system of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine in the context of 4 elements of the profession: functions and professional ethics of an accountant, legal regulation of accounting activities (organization and methodology accounting and reporting), educational training of accountants, professional accounting associations. To summarize the results of the survey, their illustration and analytical assessment, a graphical method was used. The use of modeling allowed confirmation of the assumption of the conservative nature of the accounting profession in Ukraine and the problematic nature of its self-regulated development. The authors concluded that it is necessary to improve the institution of the accounting profession in Ukraine, provide arguments and directions for solving problematic issues, in particular, the development of the professional movement and self-organization, improving the quality of training of accounting specialists in educational institutions, developing accounting methodology for the agricultural sector, improving the composition and accounting display of accounting objects.
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