A fuzzy logic application in virtual education

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Thiago Drummond Moreira
Maria Augusta Soares Machado
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Traditionally, the teaching and learning process uses the problems resolving for fixing, transmitting and evaluating concepts and knowledge about a subject. Learning is the process of acquiring relative permanent changes in understanding, attitude, knowledge, information, capacity and ability through experience. A change can be decided or involuntary, to better or worsen learning. The learning process is an internal cognitive event. To help this teaching and learning process, it is important the use of a computer tool able to stimulate these changes. Also, it is important that it can function as validation and helping tool to the student. These functions are performed by computer systems called Intelligent Tutoring Systems. This paper describes the use of artificial intelligence techniques as a teaching support tool. Using Intelligent Tutoring Systems e fuzzy logic, this work shows, throgh eletronic ways, teaching will be more efficient and more adapted to students necessities, in group or individually.


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