Delineation of the corporate use of Environmental Information Systems (EIS): Selected cases of the Corporate Organizations in Tanzania

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Felichesmi Selestine Lyakurwa
Michael Shadrack Mangula


Environmental information systems are essential platforms for the provision of adequate and relevant information necessary for the planning and decision making for greener production. Corporate use of Environmental Information Systems gained several benefits in the global and local markets. Nevertheless, there was no documentation to explain the extent to which corporate organizations utilize available Environmental Information Systems in Tanzania. This study used purposive sampling with informants being workers from the strategic, tactical and control functions of the corporate organization. Moreover, data collection involved survey of 50 corporate organizations in Dar es Salaam, Arusha, Moshi and Morogoro councils, with 71 respondents. The collected data includes exploration of the extent to which corporate management functions utilize available Environmental Information Systems in Tanzania.

The study identified various corporate environmental management functions performed at all levels of the corporate organization, in which workers spends less than one hour on the environmental information systems available. The results also revealed that, there is adequate utilization of available Environmental Information Systems for environmental management. Therefore, the research outcomes provides inputs to corporate organization unit managers, corporate owners and other environmental stakeholders on the extent of the systems’ use as well as sharing experience on different environmental management systems used worldwide.

Keywords: Environmental information system, corporate organization, Tanzania, management




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Author Biographies

Felichesmi Selestine Lyakurwa, Mzumbe University

An Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Production and Operations Management at Mzumbe University in Morogoro, Tanzania

Michael Shadrack Mangula, Mzumbe University

An Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Production and Operations Management at Mzumbe University in Morogoro, Tanzania


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