Study of event-driven and periodic rescheduling on a single machine with unexpected disruptions

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Moaz Magdy Tawfeek
Yomna Mahmoud Sadek
Amin Mohamed Kamel El-kharbotly


This paper studies the rescheduling problem of a single machine facing unexpected disruptions in order to determine which parameters can help reducing the negative impacts of these disruptions on schedule performance. A Genetic Algorithm (GA) is used to generate the initial schedule and the updated ones according to a reactive strategy. The performance of event-driven rescheduling and periodic rescheduling policies are compared in terms of total tardiness and total cost of rescheduling. Other factors that may affect rescheduling such as disruption time, disruption duration and number of disruptions are investigated. The sensitivity of results to both due date tightness and cost factor variation is tested. The results showed that the timing of the occurrence of disruption as related to scheduling horizon has a major effect on determining the best rescheduling policy. Event-driven policy is superior to other policies for short infrequent disruptions. It was found that the periodic policy is more appropriate for long and frequent disruptions.


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Author Biographies

Moaz Magdy Tawfeek, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University

Moaz is a master’s degree candidate at the Design and Production Engineering Dept., Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University. He received his bachelor degree in 2013 from Ain Shams University.

Yomna Mahmoud Sadek, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University

Yomna Sadek is an assistant professor at the Design and Production Engineering Dept., Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt since 2010. She has received her PhD in 2010 from Ain Shams University.

Amin Mohamed Kamel El-kharbotly, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University

Amin El-Kharbotly is a Professor at the Design and Production Engineering Dept., Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt since 1993. He has received his Ph.D. in 1977 from Ain Shams University.


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