Sustainable management, balanced scorecard and small business: a systematic review and state of the art
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The Balanced Scorecard - BSC is a widely used tool in business management that allows implementing and controlling strategies. Today, in a context that demands efforts from all organizations for sustainable development, the BSC has become an excellent alternative to include sustainability in business management. However, when it comes to small business organizations, management tools like BSC and business sustainability face the greatest difficulties, barriers and limitations. Therefore, the objective is to map the frontier of knowledge that brings together sustainable management and BSC to small companies, allowing visualization of the paths covered and the ones to be taken through science. A systematic bibliographical research was developed identifying and analyzing the main scientific publications that intersect the themes mentioned above. The results show the need to increase research towards understanding and monitoring the transformation of small business management in terms of sustainable development. The importance of the use of management tools to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the whole process has been confirmed, as well as that the BSC can play a relevant role. Thus, with this, researchers are expected to be more interested in the subject and more studies applied in small companies will come to be.
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