A complex systems approach to e-governance adoption and implementation in Bayelsa State, Nigeria

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Gordon Monday Bubou
Richard Bunakiye Japheth
Seigha Gumus
صندلی اداری


Globally, public sector innovation has become a big issue as citizens demand for greater accountability, effectiveness and efficiency in service delivery, and the liberalisation of the governance system. Debate on e-government evolved in the last decade in parallel with a broader discussion on e-governance, where the concept and practice of e-governance further encompasses the e-government phenomenon. Because of the complexities of governance and e-governance, this chapter presents e-governance as a close, large integrated, open and sociotechnical (CLIOS) framework to meet present and emerging challenges of the e-world, as well as enhance good governance for sustainability.  Novel descriptions of e-governance, governance, CLIOS, complex adaptive systems, sociotechnical systems were provided from literature. From a socio-technical perspective, the design consideration for the adoption and implementation of e-governance architecture for a State in an emerging economy like Nigeria was provided. The contextual aspects that needed to be considered for the adoption of e-governance were discussed and citizens interface with governance through e-governance platforms were highlighted. Examples of countries implementing e-governance, benefits and challenges regarding the Bayelsa case were discussed.


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Author Biographies

Gordon Monday Bubou, National Centre for Technology Management (NACETEM)

Gordon Monday Bubou is an Assistant Chief Research Officer with the National Centre for Technology Management (NACETEM), an agency of the Federal Ministry of Science and Technology, Nigeria. He heads the Department of Science Policy and Innovation Studies at NACETEM’s South-South Zonal Office. He is currently a doctoral candidate of technology and innovation management at the University of Pretoria in South Africa. He has equally earned MSc and BSc (Hons) degrees in technology management from the same University, another BTech (Hons) degree from the Rivers State University of Science and Technology, Port Harcourt, and a PGDE from the National Open University of Nigeria. Engr. Bubou conducts evidence-based policy-related research in science technology and innovation to provide evidence-informed recommendations to government and the private sector; engineering for global development; STI4D, scholarship of teaching & learning in engineering/technology management & engineering education; entrepreneurship development; skills development; ICT4D; technology transfer; renewable energy. He has published in international journals and has also presented at various conferences. One of Bubou’s recent papers, “Developing technically skilled workforce through public procurement: work-based learning for sustainable infrastructural development in Nigeria”, won the 2015 edition of the Nigerian Society of Engineers Best Paper Awards. Engr. Bubou is a member of many professional bodies some of which include –Nigeria Society of Engineers (Corporate Member, 2014), Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology (Member -2012); African Engineering Education Association (Member - 2014); IEEE – Engineering Education Society; & Technology & Engineering Management Society (Member - 2014); American Association for the Advancement of Science (Professional member - 2014); Entrepreneurship Research Society (Founding Scholar, 2013); International Association of Science and Technology for Development (member, 2014

Seigha Gumus, National Centre for Technology Management, Federal Ministry of Science and Technology



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