The concept of the industry 4.0 in a German multinational instrumentation and control company: a case study of a subsidiary in Brazil

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Renato Mana
Francisco I. Giocondo César
Ieda Kanashiro Makiya
Waini Volpe


The study aims to present the industry's 4.0 concepts and facilities available on the market, applied in a German instrumentation and control industry in Brazil. The study aims to present advanced manufacturing technologies that are already being applied in the company studied. As a research method, a bibliographic review is done first, followed by a qualitative, quantitative and descriptive analysis of the results of a case study. The results are intended to present the company's maturity level in relation to Industry 4.0 (I.4.0) as well as to diagnose possible new applications to increase the control and monitoring of its activities. At the end of the paper, suggestions for future studies will be available to complement the methodology proposed in this study.


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