Mobile and cloud based systems proposal for a centralized management of educational institutions

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Leandro Medeiros de Almeida Machado
Felipe José Lopes Rita
Carlos Henrique da Silva Santos
صندلی اداری


The computational technological efforts towards a centralized data storage and processing have contributed to provide more sustainable solutions under the environmental, administrative and business perspectives. However, it is not yet worldwide adopted by public institutions, specially, in the Brazilian educational systems, where these technological models are still under constant discussions and development. In this sense, this work presents a brief survey about cloud and mobile integrated technologies and their possible contributions to support a centralized data management in educational systems, relating improvements in governance, data security, mobility, economic viability and environmental impact. Therefore, this work also present a list of already free and private technologies and their advantages and disadvantages in the Brazilian scenario. In this sense, the herein technological aspects considers the integration between cloud and mobile technologies as essential alternative to suppress the online requirements, which a limitation for a large number of public institutions that have problems to be effectively connected on the Internet.


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