The effect of owned and earned social media activities towards purchase intention on Facebook

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Alriz Tsabit Rusdan
Arif Satria
Lilik Noor Yuliati
صندلی اداری


With the growth of internet connection, the Indonesia people are getting more and more connected to each other with the rise of social media, especially facebook in which nowadays has become one of the mainstream channel for companies to inform their product and to share their brand value to the consumer. This research will oversee the technology acceptance aspect in which affected by the ease of use and joyfulness of the users, owned social media aspect or the channel that are owned and can be controlled by companies or brand alike whose the acceptance of the information are affected by usefulness, reputation, trust, and altruism. And the earned social media aspects which are affected by information acceptance and social connection. The research are conducted by sending questioners to facebook users who is a consumer of Stella air freshener products. The research shown that technology acceptance aspects are not significantly affected the perception of a product fanpage, in the contrary earned and owned social media aspects along with the factors that affecting it has shown as significantly affected the perception of the users in facebook toward the fanpage, who in the end will affecting their purchase intention to the product of the fanpage.


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Author Biography

Alriz Tsabit Rusdan, Bogor Institute Of Agriculture

Author was born in Garut, 16th of may 1988 as the first son of Dadi adam Hidayat and Ida Farida,. In 2005 the author graduated from SMUN 4 high school in Bogor, Indonesia and continued his higher education in Padjadjaran university in Bandung, Indonesia. Author have worked as a management trainee in Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia before in 2013 continued his career in XL axiata on of the biggest telecom company in Indonesia as a digital planner while struggle for his higher education in Bogor Agricultural Institute. Today the author is an active employee of Sinarmas consumers product as a digital marketing manager.


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