Analysis of lifestyle, innovation products, and marketing mix of product purchase decision hen’s instant omelette (case study in pt eco Nature multiindo)

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Muhammad Harun Al Rasyid
Lilik Noor Yuliati
Agus Maulana


PT Eco Nature Multiindo is a company which operating in the service and food processing. Hen's Instant Omelette is one form of innovative product that exist in Indonesia. In Indonesia, there is no competitor of Hen's product so Hen's became the first of instant egg in market. Response of consumer to this product is quite good, it is can be seen from the sale of products that have been sold to 6.000 bottles for 8 months. But it is still far from the company target ,which is targeting 7.500 bottles per month in accordance with market potential and company's production capacity 300 bottles a day. The purpose of this study are (1) to analyze the life style of Hen's Instant Omelette consumer (2) to analyze the influence of lifestyle, product innovation, and marketing mix of Hen's Instant Omelette product towards purchasing decision (3) to formulate managerial implication for the company. The results of the factor analysis indicates that the user segments of Hen's Instant Omelette consists of three segments: modern, clasic, and trendy. Analysis results of SEM indicates the variable that influence purchasing decision is Product Innovation which consists of Relative Advantages, Compatibility, Complexity, Divisibility, Communicability.


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