Analysis of inventory in a small business
Main Article Content
The objective of this study was to analyze the production process and supply control in order to identify possible gaps and develop a method for managing supplies, which can be achieved. The relevance of this research on the benefits that the company can obtain by identifying the problems of supply control, allowing the development of solutions. The research method used was the case study, which was grounded on the tripod semi-structured interviews, on-site observation and document analysis, this methodology was very suitable because it can be analyzed and cross checking. During the semi-structured interview, the point of view of the respondent can be seen without any interference by the interviewer. The possibility of implementation of the proposal obtained from the theoretical framework that together with the complementary actions suggested here, in order to make it more productive and profitable. This work allowed them to observe the weaknesses in managing the supply chain and what the points to work should be. It allowed using some scientific models in the company object of study in order to improve supply management.
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