Refugees children and youth social skills education in football activities

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Alma Paskevice
Jurate Pozeriene
Olena Dyka
Inna Asauliuk
Dana Olefir


The number of sports programs in the world to promote various integration processes is growing rapidly. Physical activity and sport, and football in particular, are an excellent strategy for dealing with the various resettlement challenges of refugee children and youth (Stura, 2019; Anderson et al., 2019; Robinson et al., 2019; Svensson & Woods, 2017; UN Refugee Agency, 2019). Scientific problem question: how are the social skills of refugee children and youth developed in a group of football activities? Aim: to analyze the concept of social skills development in a group of football activities for refugee children and youth and to identify problems of social skills development. Objectives of the research: To highlight the peculiarities of physical activity of refugee children. To reveal the role of social skills in the development of social skills of refugee children through physical activity in the integration process. To analyze the results of the practical evaluation of the football program “Football3” developed by the international network “STREET FOOTBALL WORD”. The result: Football has always been closely linked to the phenomenon of forced migration worldwide. Football or physical activity has the incredible power to help shape the future and give hope to refugee children and youth living in other countries. The study revealed that the development of a football program and the productivity of practical efficiency were determined by the service provider's experience in volunteering abroad as a football coach using the Football3 method. According to informants, the stability of the structure of the football program emerged after the third season.


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Integration System of Education, Science and Production
Author Biographies

Alma Paskevice, Lithuanian Sports University

Ph.D. student in Education. Scientific interests: physical activity, sport, refugee integration, palliative care.

Jurate Pozeriene, Lithuanian Sport University

Assoc. Prof., Ph.D. at Department of Health Promotion and Rehabilitation in Lithuanian Sports University. She holds a Bachelor's and Master's Degree in physiotherapy and a Ph.D. in Social Science (Vilnius Pedagogical University and Lithuanian Academy of Physical Education). Most of the studies and scientific publications were done in the field of physical, psychological, and social rehabilitation of the disabled and their empowerment through adapted physical activity. She published more than 40 scientific papers and participated in more than 25 conferences. She is teaching such modules Physical Activity and Disability; Physical Rehabilitation for disabled and Adapted Physical Education. Jurate is co-author of several textbooks for students in APA, she participated in more than 10 study projects at the national and international levels. She was General Secretary of Lithuanian Special Olympics for 10 years and from 2011 is the President of Lithuanian Association of Adapted Physical Activity. Scientific interests: Her research interests include the sport and recreation industry for the disabled, management of inclusion of persons with special needs into social activities.

Olena Dyka, Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University

Ph. D. in Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Security, Public Management and Administration. Lecturer of the following subjects: Ethics and image-making, Fundamentals of economic knowledge, Analysis of public policy. Scientific interests: Ethics of civil servants, economic transformations, economic processes, state policy and state transformations.

Inna Asauliuk, Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University

Doctor of Physical Education and Sports, Associate Professor, Dean of the Physical Education and Sports FacultyHer continuous length of service exceeds twenty-five years. Since 1997 she has been working at Vinnytsia. Apart from scientific research work, Inna Asauliuk is involved in teaching. Among the courses she teaches are Theory and methods of physical education, Basics of pedagogical skills, Theory and methods of sports training etc. Scientific interests: innovative technologies in the system of physical education, education, pedagogy, upbringing, methodology of teaching, psychology. Scopus ID: 57208018726 

Dana Olefir, Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University

Assistant Professor, Subdepartment of  Theory and Methods of Physical Education. Since 2020 she has been working at Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University. Apart from scientific research work, Dana Olefir is involved in teaching. Among the courses she teaches are: Theory and methods of teaching gymnastics, Rhythm and choreography, Improving sportsmanship in complex coordination sports etc. Scientific interests: innovative technologies in the system of physical education, education, pedagogy, modern fitness technology, psychology.


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