Determination of internal service quality in a sport organization: the case of "Kaunas Žalgiris" football club
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The internal service quality in an organization is a particularly important factor that determines not only the internal users (employee) satisfaction, but also their loyalty to the organization and their performance. The aim of the study is to determine the internal service quality in "Kaunas Žalgiris" football club. Methods: A qualitative methodological approach, semi-structured indepth interviews (non-probabilistic targeting). The study showed that different recipients of internal services receive services of different quality. Coaches, men's football team players, administration and service staff receive the highest quality internal services. The lowest quality internal services are received by those who do not generate income for the club - women's and youth football teams. The club should ensure that all resources are available to all football teams belonging to the club. Although "Kaunas Žalgiris" football club has created an entire pyramid for the education of young footballers, it faces a lack of loyalty from them due to quality problems of internal services provided. It is recommended that "Kaunas Žalgiris" football club solve the problems of internal service quality and develop a strategy aimed at promoting the loyalty and pride of youth teams in belonging to "Kaunas Žalgiris" organization.
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