Accounting of real costs for the production of organic food: world experience and practice of Ukraine

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Yana Ishchenko
Olena Podolianchuk
Nataliya Struk
Valentyna Yasyshena
Svitlana Stender
صندلی اداری


The purpose of the publication is to study the current state of the organization and methods of accounting for the costs of organic production from the point of view of environmental and economic accounting in Ukraine and recommendations for adapting accounting support for managing the costs of production of organic products to the requirements of the formation of integrated information of environmental and economic accounting. To determine the general trends in the development of accounting support for managing the costs of the production of organic products, the methods of induction and deduction were used. The economic and statistical method was used to analyse the state of production of organic products, and the observation method was used to study the state of accounting for the real costs of producing organic food. The state of development of organic production for the period from 2000 to 2019 in the world, Europe and Ukraine has been analysed. It has been determined that at the micro level, in the conditions of organic production, environmental and economic accounting is an information system that allows you to monitor compliance with the requirements of domestic and international legislation regarding the implementation of this type of activity, and, at the next stages, to form consistent and comparable statistical indicators to account for the relationship " links between the environment and the economy. In the absence of regulatory accounting in Ukraine in the conditions of organic production, the formation of internal regulatory accounting regulations is a prerequisite for the effective management of such production. The formed system of cost accounting objects, considering the specifics of technological processes of operators of organic production, will allow organizing a separate accounting of costs for the production of organic products, inorganic products, and products of the transition period. A nomenclature of cost accounting items in terms of production of organic production is proposed, the use of which will make it possible to distinguish in accounting the expenses allowed by legislation in terms of production of organic production from expenses for which there are certain restrictions. The features of the functions of primary documents reflecting the costs of organic production are determined and ways to improve the documentation of production processes are proposed. This will improve the information support for product quality control and will allow adapting the accounting support for managing the production costs of organic products to the requirements of the formation of integrated information on environmental and economic accounting.


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Integration System of Education, Science and Production
Author Biographies

Yana Ishchenko, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University

Ph.D. in Accounting, Associate Professor of Accounting and Taxation are in industries of economy Department. Her continuous experience exceeds thirty years. Since 1987 she has been working at Vinnytsia National Agrarian University. In addition to research work, Yana Ishchenko teaches. Among the courses she teaches are: financial accounting, accounting and financial reporting according to international standards and more. Research interests: accounting, management accounting, taxation.

Olena Podolianchuk, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University

Ph.D. in Economics. Her continuous experience is thirty years. Since 2003 he has been working at Vinnytsia National Agrarian University. In addition to research work, Olena Podolianchuk teaches. Among the courses she teaches are: Accounting and Reporting in Taxation, Administration of Taxes and Duties, Reporting of Enterprises. Research interests: accounting and taxation of business entities.


Nataliya Struk, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of Accounting and Auditing Department in Faculty of Economics, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, guarantor of the educational and scientific program of the third level of higher education in the specialty 071 «Accounting and Taxation». Member of the Chamber of Auditors and Professional Accountants of Ukraine. Lecturer of the following subjects: Financial Accounting 1, Financial Accounting 2, Managerial Accounting, Accounting and analytical support of cost management in the enterprise, Accounting system of business partnership of enterprises. Scientific interests: financial accounting, мanagerial аccounting, аccounting system of business partnership, strategic management accounting, еconomic analysis. ORCID ID 0000-0002-1933-265X. Researcher ID :   M-7351-2018  

Valentyna Yasyshena, Vinnytsia education and research institute of economy of West Ukrainian National University

Doctor of Science (Economics), Associate Professor of the Department of Economics, Accounting and Taxation has been working at the Department of Economics, Accounting and Taxation Vinnytsia education and research institute of economy of West Ukrainian National University. She teaches disciplines - Accounting and taxation, Methodology of scientific researches, Accounting and legal maintenance of economic processes of the enterprise, Accounting and taxation of activity of the enterprises of sphere of services. Scientific interests: problems of accounting and analytical support of industrial enterprises. Researcher ID: G-8283-2017

Svitlana Stender, State Agrarian and Engineering University in Podilya

Ph.D. in Economics (Accounting),  Associate Professor, Department of Accounting, Taxation and E-Business Technologies.  Her continuous experience is fifteen years. Since 2006 he has been working at Podolsk State Agrarian Technical University. In addition to research work, Svetlana Stender teaches. Among the courses she teaches: accounting, accounting, and reporting in taxation, internal control, controlling, etc. Research interests: accounting, taxation, and internal control.


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