Optimization of economic and ecological components of using agricultural lands for balanced land use and rural areas development
Main Article Content
The study is devoted to solving a topical problem related to the deterioration of land quality in Ukraine and in many countries around the world. This article proposes the use of economic and mathematical modelling to optimize the structure of sown areas of crops on the example of the whole of Ukraine in the direction of ensuring the balance of humus in the soil depending on the influence of a number of environmental and economic factors. The formation of the economic and mathematical model was the basis of the research methodology in this work. Based on the use of a systematic approach to assessing the effectiveness of the agricultural land use system, a number of environmental and economic indicators were selected and three groups of restrictions in the field of intensification of agricultural land use were formed. The applied approach made it possible to develop a task to optimize the sown area of crops in order to preserve the quality of land. The results of solving the formed problem showed the need to limit the sown area under crops, the cultivation of which leads to the loss of humus in the soil; in particular, it is proposed to limit the sown area under sunflower. The results of the study allowed us to draw the following conclusions: a positive effect on the quality of soils from the cultivation of annual and perennial grasses was established, which requires an increase in sown areas under these crops; promising indicators for achieving a deficit-free balance of humus in soils during the cultivation of crops have been identified; an algorithm for choosing solutions to ensure balanced use of agricultural land in the agricultural sector has been developed that the presented procedure for choosing solutions will increase the environmental and economic efficiency of agricultural land use; it is established that for the realization of certain goals in the system of land use, the decisive importance should be given to the consideration and coordination of environmental, economic and social interests.
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