Energy sector impact on country’s economic security: Baltic sea region EU countries’ case

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Rima Zitkiene
Jurij Matyskevic
Inna Kremer–Matyskevic
Nataliia Korzhenivska
Svitlana Zaika


The article object is to is a relatively new research direction in economic theory - economic security at the macro-level. One of the aims of this article is to reveal the country’s economic security idea and to choose methods for this economic phenomenon evaluation as well as to suggest the method to evaluate the energy sector's impact on this economic phenomenon. Firstly, the authors review different approaches to economic security principles and do some assumptions related to the country's economic security concept. There is shortly described the energy sector. Since the scientific problem is how to evaluate the energy sector and the country's security and what impact the energy sector has on the country's economic security, the authors have selected methods to analyze the links between energy sector activities and economic security. Furthermore, there were presented the results of regression analyzes and concluded what energy sector indicators influence countries' economic security.


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Integration System of Education, Science and Production
Author Biographies

Rima Zitkiene, Mykolas Romeris University

Prof. dr. Rima Zitkiene published over 30 articles in international and Lithuanian scientific periodicals. Prof. dr. Rima Zitkiene reviewed 6 textbooks, as well as she is a co-author of two textbooks.

Prof. dr. Rima Zitkiene’s research area is related to the management of organizations, assessing the processes of international business globalization, retail trade transformation, internationalization, trade and service companies.

Scientific interests: economic security, international trade

Jurij Matyskevic, DXC Technology, Lithuania

Experienced Business Development/Program and Contract manager with international expertise within technology and banking industries with key competence and skills: commercial experience within technology industry; extensive skills in business, contract and IP (Intellectual Property) law  - managing legal risks, negotiations, drafting commercial contracts, NDAs, SLAs, MOUs, LOIs, etc within technology company; demonstrated skills in networking, account management, leading negotiations and presentations to C level managers; experience in working within EU institutions and drafting EU legislation on IT policy (IT security, personal data protection, eGovernment, etc); and etc.

Scientific interests: IT policy, risk management, business management, economic and financial security.


Inna Kremer–Matyskevic, Mykolas Romeris University

Ph.D. Candidate

Experienced Finance and Risk Manager with a demonstrated history of working in the oil & energy and IT industry. Skilled in Finance management, Risk Management, Business Process Modelling, Budgeting, Business Planning and Cost Management. Strong professional with an associate PhD degree focused in Finance and Risk Management.

Scientific interests: economic security, risk management, accounting and finance management.


Nataliia Korzhenivska, State Agrarian and Engіneering University in Podilya

Doctor of Science (Economics), Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics, State Agrarian and Engineering University in Podilya 

She teaches disciplines taught: Economics of the enterprise, Economic security, Economic risk, and methods of its measurement, Entrepreneurial risks, International strategies of economic development, Exchange activity. Scientific interests: 

Economic security, economic risks, business economics, environmental security, grain farming.

Author of more than 130 scientific works. 

Svitlana Zaika, Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture

She is Candidate of Economic Sciences (2015), Associate Professor (2018),

Director of the Academic Institute of Business and Management, the Associate Professor of the Department of Production, Business and Management of the Petro Vasilenko National Technical University Of Agriculture.

The field of scientific interests is the study of the state of the economy in the conditions of European integration processes and transformational changes, the development of concepts, methods and mechanisms of management of economic activities of enterprises, management of innovation and investment activities of enterprises in an unstable environment; analysis and evaluation of investment projects in the field of economy and entrepreneurship; substantiation of the use of alternative energy sources.

She is the author and co-author of over 260 scientific publications, including 14, which are indexed in international scientometric bases.

ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8132-7643 (

Researcher ID: P-1850-2016 ( P-1850-2016/)

Google Academy:

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