Organizational and personal factors affecting the career development of higher education administrators: foundation university sample
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Studies about higher education management tend to ignore the analysis of career development of higher education administrators and the factors affecting their decision to accept or not to accept the position. However; the factors affecting the administrators to accept the position not only determine their management styles but also affect the quality of education. The purpose of this study is to examine the organizational and personal factors affecting the career development of higher education administrators. Organizational factors include economic and political/ideological factors whereas personal factors include educational, sociological and physiological/psychological factors. Qualitative research design was chosen in conducting this study. An interview form with 5 related questions was used. Within this context, 14 head of department from 3 foundation universities in Turkey who worked during 2017-2018 school year constituted the study group, interviews were made. According to results revealed by the study, while political/ideological, educational and physiological/psychological factors affect the career development of higher education administrators, economical and sociological factors do not affect their career development.
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