A descriptive study of brand equity of india's popular online shopping sites

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Ashutosh Anil Sandhe


The focus of this research was to measure consumer-based brand equity (CBBE) of India’s most popular online retailing websites Amazon and Flipkart.  However, for the sake of confidentiality and copyright, their names were not revealed anywhere in the paper.  This was done with the help of Aaker’s and Keller’s concept of brand equity.  A sample of 1000 respondents from across the state of Gujarat, India was examined.  CBBE was measured by calculating mean scores of overall brand equity and its factors like brand loyalty, perceived quality, brand awareness, brand association, attitude and purchasing intention.  The correlation coefficient between factors and brand equity was considered as weight. The research revealed through the data which retail site had a higher brand equity.  One interesting fact that was identified was how keenly both the brands are trying to woo their customers.  The results showed very similar trends.  A positive relation was found between brand equity and its factors.  Based on this relationship the research concluded with a regression model where brand equity was the dependent variable and factors were independent variables.  It was observed that the factor ‘brand loyalty’ had the lowest mean value suggesting that with competition and wider choice to consumer, brand loyalty tends to be lower.  Favorable attitude was observed for both brands with highest mean values among all factors.


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Author Biography

Ashutosh Anil Sandhe, TeamLease Skills University

Associate Professor, Commerce and Management Department


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