Communities of practice and QFD method for green logistics in the cosmetics industry: a suggested review

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Jair Gustavo de Mello Torres
Irapuan Glória Júnior
Pedro Luiz de Oliveira Costa Neto


The Cosmetics, Personal Hygiene and Perfumery industry has significant importance in Brazil and seeks to adopt concepts and technologies of sustainable development to generate competitive advantages that can be achieved by companies in the industry. In this context, this research proposes to identify the perception of sustainability in recycling, mainly plastic packaging, and to suggest the use of Green Logistics and Cradle-to-Cradle concepts and the use of Communities of Practice. The research has a qualitative nature, using the methodology of multiple case studies with several companies in the industry, the data collection was performed through interviews with semi-structured questionnaire and documentary analyzes. The results were the identification of the companies' perceptions regarding sustainability and a suggestion of the application of the QFD method in the systematic unfolding between the needs of the consumer and the quality characteristics of the product that can be applied in these cooperatives to determine, with the presentation of their aspects and the generation of a quality matrix with the requirements raised.


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