A review input factors elasticity and return to scale of cooperative: a survey on Indonesian savings-loan cooperatives

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Johnny Walker Situmorang


This study aims to reveal the production function, return to scale, and production factors elasticity of cooperative by using Indonesia financial service cooperative (IFSC) which has a single business in the field of financial service as a sample of research. Using panel data, this study results both labour and capital factors have a significant influence IFSC production.  The IFSC industry condition is increasing return to scale (IRS). Production elasticity of capital is higher than labour force so that IFSC business expansion is faster with increasing IFSC capital. The cooperative financial services industry condition is increasing return to scale that enables IFSC business expansion.  Given the availability of IFSC resources and its operating environment, IFSC's business expansion strategy should be more labour-intensive than capital-intensive, employing more labour than capital. The government should provide support for improving human resource capacity


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Author Biography

Johnny Walker Situmorang, Ministry of Cooperative and SMEs RoI

Eminent Researcher


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