Application and development of a quality management tool for solving problems

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Evandro Eduardo Broday
Pedro Paulo Andrade Júnior


The proposed article aims to develop and implement a management tool using the 8D quality for solve problems. In methodological terms, the research was developed in a European multinational accomplished through a case study presents the steps used by the company to adapt the tool 8D, as required by the same. In terms of results it was found that, through the transfer of knowledge from senior management to employees, showing the correct application of the tool 8D, time to resolution of the problems can be 30% lower.


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Author Biography

Pedro Paulo Andrade Júnior, Federal Technological University of Paraná - UTFPR Department of Production Engineering

Bachelor's in Economy from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (1997), Master in Production Engineering from Federal University of Santa Catarina (2001) and Ph.D. in Production Engineering from Federal University of Santa Catarina (2006). Currently have been associate professor and researcher at the Federal Technological University of Parana - Department of Production Engineering. Develops and participates in projects and research in the area of technology transfer within the post graduate program in Production Engineering from the Federal Technological University of Parana. The projects involve University / Company / Government and business networks partnership.  Also, has been member of three scientific journals editorial board. In addition, participates as a reviewer of journals. Coordinates research and extension projects. Currently guides master's dissertations and work of graduate and undergraduate students, seeking to meet the premise of the Brazilian public university: teaching, research and extension. Has experience in Production Engineering and in Economy acting on the following topics: industrial clusters, technology transfer, engineering economics, business incubators, technology parks, industrial management, business networks, industrial location, technological innovation and statistics.


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