Investigating the impact of ceo’s social network on sme performance and access to external resources in the moroccan textile industry

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Tahirou Younoussi Meda Adama
Mohammed Nadif
صندلی اداری


This paper analyses the relationship between the social network dimensions, the performance of Moroccan SMEs of the textile industry and their access to external resources. As these companies face a fierce competition in recent years, their CEOs’ social networks are playing a significant role in their success and survival.  Through a sample of 112 SMEs and a quantitative method, our results show that the more the network is important, the more it promotes SME performance and access to information resources, that having closer tie with the bankers allows a better access to financial resources, that knowing and having links with people in high places is a privilege and contributes effectively to an organizational performance.


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Author Biography

Tahirou Younoussi Meda Adama, University of Tahoua

Departement of Economics and Management


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