Humanitarian logistics: the establishment of the nimbusdroid pluviometric monitoring system to rainfall spates, floods and overflows in the rochdale neighborhood

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Camila Umbelino Carvalho
Érica Santos Marinho
Natália Dias dos Santos
Leandro Magrini do Carmo
Robson Antonio Pires
Vinícius Ribeiro do Nascimento
Dewar Taylor Carnero Chavez
صندلی اداری


Spates, floods and overflows are natural disasters and anthropogenic character responsible for strong impact on society. The fact that they have difficult prognosis makes the means of providing for them is uncertain, passing the condition of hostages to the populations of the areas affected by these events. Therefore, it is necessary the intervention of the Humanitarian Logistics in order to ensure emergency aid to victims. One of the factors responsible for the complexity of acting Humanitarian Logistics is the prevention of disasters through the flow of information and communications. As a possible solution, are used the rainfall monitoring systems to control water levels. Thus, the aim of this paper was to develop a rainfall monitoring system called Nimbusdroid the Rochdale neighborhood, which emphasizes the high number of incidence of these disasters. In metodological terms, bibliographical research had been used for the constitution of the theoretical basement, followed of a study of case in the quarter of the Rochdale. . As its focus, it is a qualitative and quantitative research .According to the method of approach is deductive research. Not only used in the monitoring water levels, the Nimbusdroid system forwards messages and supplies information to the applicatory site and of the same in form of alert in real time. When compared with the ALERT SMS – rainfall monitoring installed in the Osasco city - Nimbusdroid system has advantages in its functionality, a time that the ALERT SMS is unknown and requires a prior registration, different of Nimbusdroid.


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