The restrictions covered in the distribution of fractional loads: a case study

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Tassiana Vieira Santos
Marilene Rosaria Santos
Gisele Correia Macario
Kyvia Barros Moreira
Thainah Amaral


As the economic crisis in Brazil advances, many transport companies on road charges, are losing ground in the market for lack of planning, quality services, high costs of transshipment and lack of information to its customers. More and more companies have been adjusting to market trends in order to become more competitive and improve their service levels, providing quality and punctual delivery and collections, for that they rely on technology and softwares to improve their performance and reduce costs on shipping.

This article aims to analyze the constraints faced in the distribution of fractional loads, in a HUB operation, distribution and collection of a large company, acting as a support arm for this operation, in the metropolitan regions of São Paulo and how to present possible and  practical solutions from the techniques and concepts of distribution logistics aligned to technology of routing Road Show software, demonstrating how technical knowledge can add value to the business.


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