Relationship between influencer marketing and purchase intention: focusing on Vietnamese gen Z consumers

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Cuong Nguyen
Tien Nguyen
Vinh Luu
صندلی اداری


The exploration of social media among Gen Z has promoted the development of influencer marketing in emerging markets. This study aims to determine how influencer marketing would impact Vietnamese Gen Z consumer’s purchase intention. This study employed quantitative research and used Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) to analyze the data. The data collection process is conducted online with a sample size of 250 Gen Z respondents. The respondents are aware of the impacts of influencer marketing on their purchase intention. The respondents are exposed to influencer marketing on social media and had experiences with online shopping. The study analyzes five factors that would influence Gen Z’s consumer purchase intention: perceived influencers’' credibility (CRE), the relevance between products and customers (RE), the entertainment value of influencers' content (ENT), perceived expertise of influencers (EXP) and peer’s review and recommendation (PEER). This study's findings concluded that 4 out of 5 factors had influenced Gen Z purchase intention: perceived influencers' credibility, the entertainment value of influencers' content, perceived expertise of influencers, and peer's review and recommendation. There is no statistical evidence to conclude that the relevance between products and customers (RE) impacts Vietnamese Gen Z’s consumer purchase intention. Remarkably, peer’s review and recommendation (PEER) is the most vital factor impacting Vietnamese Gen Z's consumer purchase intention. Managerial recommendations are provided to improve influencer marketing's effectiveness on purchase intention among Vietnamese Gen Z consumers.


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