Justice for employee voice: a dimensional analysis

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Mustafa Babadağ
Gökhan Kerse


This study aims to put forward whether distributive justice and procedural justice have a direct effect on the behaviour of voice and whether interactional justice has a moderating role on this effect. In order to evaluate the relations between variables, a survey technique is used and data were collected from 173 employees from a marble company in the city of Mugla (Turkey) with a convenience sampling method. In the test of hypotheses, regression analysis is used. The regression analysis was conducted via the Conditional Process Macro for SPSS developed by Andrew F. Hayes. The findings of the research showed that procedural justice affects employee voice positively and interactional justice has a moderating role in this effect. Additionally, as per the findings, it was seen that on the effect of procedural justice on employee voice, different levels of interactional justice have the same directional effect. Theoretical and practical implications were made by considering all the findings.


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