The current stage in aerospace at the end of 2020

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Relly Victoria Virgil Petrescu
Dr. Florian Ion Tiberiu Petrescu


The paper briefly presents some models of aircraft considered avant-garde in 2020, and it is part of the reviews on news in aviation and aerospace. It briefly presents some basic features, news, and more important data for each new model on display, so that the reader can get an image of that model but also an overall one, to compare different models from a particular manufacturer with each other, as well as with those belonging to another manufacturer. Aircraft manufacturers are constantly concerned with modifying their aircraft and building other new models that meet customer requirements as much as possible, but at the same time lead to reductions in total fuel consumption used in flight, to reduce pollution due to flights and the negative effects on planetary ecosystems, as well as the increase in the quality and safety of air travel.


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Dr. Florian Ion Tiberiu Petrescu, IFToMM



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Petrescu, R. V., Aversa, R., Apicella, A., & Petrescu, F. I. (2018c). NASA has found the most distant black hole. Journal of Aircraft and Spacecraft Technology, 2(1), 31-39.

Petrescu, R. V., Aversa, R., Apicella, A., & Petrescu, F. I. (2018d). Nasa selects concepts for a new mission to titan, the moon of saturn. Journal of Aircraft and Spacecraft Technology, 2(1), 40-52.

Petrescu, R. V., Aversa, R., Apicella, A., & Petrescu, F. I. (2018e). NASA sees first in 2018 the direct proof of ozone hole recovery. Journal of Aircraft and Spacecraft Technology, 2(1), 53-64.

Petrescu, R. V., Aversa, R., Apicella, A., & Petrescu, F. I. (2018f). An Exoplanet has Smothering Stratosphere without Water. Relly Victoria Petrescu et al./Journal of Aircraft and Spacecraft Technology, 2, 65-71.

Petrescu, R. V., Aversa, R., Apicella, A., & Petrescu, F. I. (2018g). Structure of Buried Ice on Mars. Relly Victoria Petrescu et al./Journal of Aircraft and Spacecraft Technology, 2, 72-79.

Petrescu, R. V., Aversa, R., Apicella, A., & Petrescu, F. I. (2018j). Romanian Engineering'On the Wings of the Wind'. Journal of Aircraft and Spacecraft Technology, 2(1), 1-18.

Petrescu, R. V., Aversa, R., Apicella, A., & Petrescu, F. I. (2018k). NASA Data used to discover eighth planet circling distant star. Journal of Aircraft and Spacecraft Technology, 2(1), 19-30.

Petrescu, R. V., Aversa, R., Apicella, A., & Petrescu, F. I. (2018l). NASA has found the most distant black hole. Journal of Aircraft and Spacecraft Technology, 2(1), 31-39.

Petrescu, R. V., Aversa, R., Apicella, A., & Petrescu, F. I. (2018m). Nasa selects concepts for a new mission to titan, the moon of saturn. Journal of Aircraft and Spacecraft Technology, 2(1), 40-52.

Petrescu, R. V., Aversa, R., Apicella, A., & Petrescu, F. I. (2018n). NASA sees first in 2018 the direct proof of ozone hole recovery. Journal of Aircraft and Spacecraft Technology, 2(1), 53-64.

Petrescu, R. V., Aversa, R., Apicella, A., & Petrescu, F. I. (2018o). Modern propulsions for the aerospace industry. American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 11(2), 715-755.

Petrescu, R. V., Aversa, R., Apicella, A., Kozaitis, S., Abu-Lebdeh, T., & Petrescu, F. I. (2018p). Inverse kinematics of a stewart platform. Journal of Mechatronics and Robotics, 2(1), 45-59.

Petrescu, R. V., Aversa, R., Apicella, A., & Petrescu, F. I. T. (2018q). Total Static Balancing and Kinetostatics of the 3R Base Cinematic Chain. Journal of Mechatronics and Robotics, 2(1), 1-13. DOI:

Petrescu, R. V., Aversa, R., Apicella, A., & Petrescu, F. I. T. (2018r). Switching from Flat to Spatial Motion to 3R Mechatronic Systems. Journal of Mechatronics and Robotics, 2(1), 14-22. DOI:

Petrescu, R. V., Aversa, R., Apicella, A., & Petrescu, F. I. T. (2018s). The Dynamics of the Planar Cinematic Balanced Chain at the Plan Module 3R. Journal of Mechatronics and Robotics, 2(1), 23-34. DOI:

Petrescu, R. V., Aversa, R., Apicella, A., & Petrescu, F. I. T. (2018t). Dynamic Kinematics of the Plan Balanced Chain at the Planar Module 3R. Journal of Mechatronics and Robotics, 2(1), 35-44. DOI:

Petrescu, R. V. V. (2019a). Giant success for NASA when the InSight probe has reached "safety" on Mars. Journal of Aircraft and Spacecraft Technology. 3(1), 1-10.

Petrescu, R. V. V. (2019b). Mars Could have Enough Molecular Oxygen to Support Life. Journal of Aircraft and Spacecraft Technology, 3(1), 11-23.

Petrescu, R. V. V. (2019c). About Boeing X-32. Journal of Aircraft and Spacecraft Technology, 3(1), 38-54.

Petrescu, R. V. V. (2019d). China Launches Its First Passenger Aircraft. Journal of Aircraft and Spacecraft Technology, 3, 64-77.

Petrescu, R. V. V. (2019e). NASA and the Conquest of Cosmic Space by Man. Journal of Aircraft and Spacecraft Technology, 3, 78-91.

Petrescu, R. V. V. (2019f). 'Defiant', A Today Unique Helicopter in the World. Journal of Aircraft and Spacecraft Technology, 3, 92-106.

Petrescu, R. V. V. (2019g). The TESS Satellite Will Search for Planets in the Vicinity of Our Solar System. Journal of Aircraft and Spacecraft Technology, 3, 107-118.

Petrescu, R. V. V. (2019h). Boeing's Autonomous Military Aircraft. Journal of Aircraft and Spacecraft Technology, 3, 138-153.

Petrescu, R. V. V. (2019j). About Space Robots. Journal of Mechatronics and Robotics, 3(1), 1-32. DOI:

Petrescu, R. V. V. (2019j). About Space Robots. Journal of Mechatronics and Robotics, 3(1), 1-32. DOI:

Petrescu, R. V. V. (2019k). Medical Service of Robots. Journal of Mechatronics and Robotics, 3(1), 60-81. DOI:

Petrescu, R. V. V. (2019l). Dynamics at Classical Distribution. Journal of Mechatronics and Robotics, 3(1), 82-101. DOI:

Petrescu, R. V. V. (2019m). Time Factory. Journal of Mechatronics and Robotics, 3(1), 102-121. DOI:

Petrescu, R. V. V. (2019n). About Robotics, Mechatronics and Automation that Help us Conquer the Cosmic Space. Journal of Mechatronics and Robotics, 3(1), 129-155. DOI:

Petrescu, R. V. V. (2019o). Dynamic Models for Rigid Memory Mechanisms. Journal of Mechatronics and Robotics, 3(1), 156-183. DOI:

Petrescu, R. V. V. (2019p). Something about a Railbound Forging Manipulator. Journal of Mechatronics and Robotics, 3(1), 184-207. DOI:

Petrescu, R. V. V. (2019q). Face Recognition as a Biometric Application. Journal of Mechatronics and Robotics, 3(1), 237-257. DOI:

Petrescu, R. V. V. (2019r). Contributions to the Synthesis of Fixed Axle Gears by Avoiding the Interference Phenomenon. Journal of Mechatronics and Robotics, 3(1), 280-300. DOI:

Petrescu, R. V. V. (2019s). Space Probes. Journal of Mechatronics and Robotics, 3(1), 301-343. DOI:

Petrescu, R. V. V. (2019t). Presents Some Aspects and Applications of Projective Geometry. Journal of Mechatronics and Robotics, 3(1), 389-430. DOI:

Petrescu, R. V. V. (2019u). Mechanisms With Rigid Memory. Journal of Mechatronics and Robotics, 3(1), 431-470. DOI:

Petrescu, R. V. V. (2019v). Internal Combustion Engines Forces. Journal of Mechatronics and Robotics, 3(1), 497-520. DOI:

Petrescu, R. V. V. (2020a). British Airways is Ordering up to 42 Boeing 777-9s Aeronaves to Modernize the UK Flag Carriers Long-Haul Fleet. Journal of Aircraft and Spacecraft Technology.

Petrescu, R. V. V. (2020b). Presentation of Four-stroke Engine Design Elements. Journal of Mechatronics and Robotics, 4(1), 15-41. DOI:

Petrescu, R. V. V. (2020c). Presents the Kinematics and Forces at a Basic Anthropomorphic Robot. Journal of Mechatronics and Robotics, 4(1), 42-73. DOI:

Petrescu, R. V. V. (2020d). Presents the Kinematics of a Manipulator with Three Mobilities. Journal of Mechatronics and Robotics, 4(1), 85-105. DOI:

Petrescu, R. V. V. (2020e). Nanobotics. Journal of Mechatronics and Robotics, 4(1), 136-155. DOI:

Petrescu, R. V. V. (2020f). Mechatronic Systems to the Braking Mechanisms. Journal of Mechatronics and Robotics, 4(1), 156-190. DOI:

Petrescu, R. V. V. (2020g). Fishing for “16 Psyche”. Journal of Aircraft and Spacecraft Technology, 4(1), 136-151. DOI:

Petrescu, R. V. V., Aversa, R., Akash, B., Apicella, A., & Petrescu, F. I. T. (2017z). Forces of a 3R Robot. Journal of Mechatronics and Robotics, 1(1), 1-14. DOI:

Petrescu, R. V. V., Aversa, R., Akash, B., Apicella, A., & Petrescu, F. I. T. (2017aa). Direct Geometry and Cinematic to the MP-3R Systems. Journal of Mechatronics and Robotics, 1(1), 15-23. DOI:

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Petrescu, R. V. V., Aversa, R., Akash, B., Apicella, A., Kozaitis, S., Abu-Lebdeh, T., & Petrescu, F. I. T. (2017ad). Current Stage in the Field of Mechanisms with Gears and Rods. Journal of Mechatronics and Robotics, 1(2), 47-57. DOI:

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