Theory of constraints and six sigma: convergences, divergences and research agenda for continuous improvement

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Diego Pacheco
صندلی اداری


The main objective of this study is to analyse the points of convergence and divergence between the Theory of Constraints and Six Sigma when used in an integrated manner for the continuous improvement of operating manufacturing systems. This research also aims to advance a better understanding of the fundamental principles of such methodologies by performing a comparative analysis of critical issues. The focus of the discussion of this study is to search the literature to identify differences and similarities between these two approaches when applied in an integrated way in productive systems. To conduct this research, we carried out a broad literature, searching for the state of the art on the topic of Operations Management. The results of this study suggest that the Theory of Constraints and Six Sigma have many complementary elements that overlap and that there is a vast field of research to be explored on this issue. As a result, this study conducted a comparative analysis of 28 critical criteria between the Theory of Constraints and Six Sigma to understanding these approaches


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