What Indian working class is saying about the COVID-19 pandemic: concerns and reactions

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Samant Shant Priya
Sushil Kumar Dixit
Sajal Kabiraj
Meenu Shant Priya
Ashirwad Kumar Singh
صندلی اداری


This is an exploratory research highlighting the concerns and reactions of Indian working-class people towards the COVID-19. It was observed that most of the Indian working-class people were seriously concerned about the pandemic and responded well to the measures suggested by the Governments and other agencies in a big way. Most of the respondents believed the pandemic will be effectively controlled across the globe within one year. Word cloud and other data visualization techniques were used to analyze the reactions of the Indian working class towards the Central and State government’s initiatives to contain COVID-19. In the word cloud of the top 150 popular words for both central and state governments Lockdown, People and Government have taken the central stage. The word streaming analysis suggests the intense relationship among the most frequent words in the dataset. For the central government, it was social distancing and for state government, it was social distancing and relationship between central and state governments. The sentiment analysis for both central and state government was neutral, mostly. The researchers are of the view that the research will provide a deeper insight into human perception and behavior towards the measures initiated by the Central and State Governments in any similar difficult situations. Further the concerns identified may be taken into consideration by the Government while designing the policy measures and other interventions by the Government.


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Author Biographies

Samant Shant Priya, Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management

Marketing Management

Associate Professor

Sushil Kumar Dixit, Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management

Associate Professor

Strategic Management

Sajal Kabiraj, Häme University of Applied Sciences Ltd. (HAMK)


Strategy and International Business

Meenu Shant Priya, Galgotias University

Assistant Professor

Economics and General Management

Ashirwad Kumar Singh, EY (GDS)



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