Role of employer branding in enhancing the talent management strategies: applied study at commercial banks of Jordan

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Atif Badri Al-Qura'an


The main aim of this study is to identify to what extent the managerial leaderships in top, middle, and lower levels of commercial banks at Jordan practice the employer branding dimensions and talent management strategies. Also, it aims to explore the impact of employer branding dimensions on talent management strategies. The researcher relied on analytical-descriptive method to analyze and classify the data to achieve the objectives and to identify the variables of the study. To collect data a questionnaire was developed based on relevant literature and scales, (226) questionnaires were distributed, out of which (187) were returned and analyzed using SPSS (version 19), with response rate (82.7%). The results of the study showed that the relative importance of employer branding dimensions and talent management strategies practices in commercial banks of Jordan was high. Also, the results revealed that there is a positive relationship and significant impact of employer branding dimensions on talent management strategies among managers of commercial banks in Jordan.


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Author Biography

Atif Badri Al-Qura'an, Jordan Bank

Dr. Atif Badri Al-Qura'n is an independent researcher who is interested in knowledge management, business strategic management, and entrepreneurship with an innovation management. He published many papers in collaboration with some professors from different universities. He is working with Jordan Bank as a director of business loan and entrepreneurship department. He was a lecturer at Yarmouk University which it’s a public university in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. He is working with different researchers from different institutions on a high-standard applied researches and case studies that would enhance businesses performance.


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