The effect on pricing strategies in the process of strategic decision making in view of cost of produced goods

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Syed Mohammad Faisal
Ahmad Khalid Khan


This research examined the effect of the cost of produced goods on pricing strategies in the process of strategic decision. Also examined in this research is the extended effect of pricing strategies on consumers purchase decision making. The research aimed to answer questions on the extent to which cost of produced goods affects pricing strategies of products, how decision makers realize the value-based pricing strategy of corporations and the extent to which pricing policy help consumers to make purchase decisions. This research being historical and descriptive depended basically on secondary sources of information. The research used a historical and descriptive method and depended basically and simply on secondary devices as sources of data. Results from the data acquired reference that customers have an understanding of fair value reflected in prices of the firm's products. The researcher will use both analytical and descriptive methods which appropriate the context of the current research which is generally based on the theoretical underpinnings and fieldwork. The outcomes indicate that the cost of produced products used in organizations provides quality information; there is an effect of this information on the pricing decision-making; there are parts in which pricing strategy much relied on the information provided by the cost systems.


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Author Biographies

Syed Mohammad Faisal, Jazan University


Ahmad Khalid Khan, Jazan University



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