Intelligent smart farming and crop visualization

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Rajkumar Rajasekaran
Rajendra Agarwal
Aditya Srivastava
Volodymyr Ivanyshyn
Jolly Masih
Iryna Yasinetska


Agriculture is a backbone of the economy for any country. Being a part of primary sector, all the other major sectors and industries depend on it for their raw materials. It satisfies the basic needs of human like food, clothing and shelter. However, due to climate change and other related problems, it is becoming increasingly difficult for farmers to keep pace with rising demands. As per estimate by Food and Agricultural Organization of United Nations, around 55 percent of India’s total land area is used for agricultural produce. India is also a leading producer and exporter of some of the major crops. Still there are concerns regarding food security in India by United Nations. For overcoming the natural hurdles, involvement of technology is required for better analysis and decision-making. Through this paper, we plan to propose a visualization technique, which can help farmers to make better decision regarding crop selection. The study proposes a novel framework where farmers can get detailed information about the crops grown in any particular district and also area, production and productivity of any particular crop. This web-based agri solution will help farmers to take smart farming decision by resource optimization and smart planning.


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Integration System of Education, Science and Production
Author Biographies

Rajkumar Rajasekaran, Vellore Institute of Technology

Dr.Sc., Professor

Name: Dr. Rajkumar Rajasekaran
Scientific degree: B.E, M.Tech, PhD
Academic Rank: Grade 2, Data Analytics
Position: Professor
Place of occupation: Vellore, Tamilnadu, India
ResearcherID: N-6231-2015

Scopus ID:

Volodymyr Ivanyshyn, State Agrarian and Engineering University in Podilya

Rector PDATU (State Agrarian and Engineering University in Podilya)

Jolly Masih, Prestige Institute of Engineering Management and Research


Iryna Yasinetska, State Agrarian and Engineering University in Podilya

Dr.Sc. in Economics, Professor, 

Vice-Rector PDATU


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