Digital transformation in the manufacturing industry under the optics of digital platforms and ecosystems

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Marcelo T. Okano
Samira N. Antunes
Marcelo Eloy Fernandes
صندلی اداری


The new processes for using digital technologies, are requiring manufacturing companies to adapt to these new scenarios, causing a digital transformation. Although the theme Digital transformation is new and current in manufacturing, the way it is being implemented by manufacturing companies is in design and study. Each company adopts or plans its strategy in relation to the digital platform and digital ecosystem. Two digital technologies are widely cited when discussing digital transformation, they are the digital platform and the digital ecosystem. The purpose of this article is to analyze the digital transformation in manufacturing companies from the perspective of digital platforms and ecosystems. In order to answer the research questions, the strategy of this research project was the study of multiple cases with a longitudinal perspective and an exploratory approach. The interview was the main source of data collection. The five platforms studied presented different views of how digital transformation can occur in manufacturing companies, from the simple transaction of matching supplier and consumer to collaborative work with the different stakeholders of the companies.


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