The impact of absenteeism and the relationship with emotional absence based on individual stories

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Leandro Marcucci
Ruan Carlos dos Santos


The relationship between the concepts of stress, mental illness and burnout syndrome seems to be indistinguishable when it comes to work leave by individuals who present specific and common symptoms. Recent research has shown an increase in absenteeism as a pandemic in society, one of the main problems faced by organizations, the consequences of illness generated by lack of emotional health, and the emergence of such symptoms arising from these relationships. This study analyzes the discourse of individuals diagnosed with burnout syndrome, seeking to identify the multiple relationships between the underlying symptoms and emotional health problems, a new concept discussed by theorists in recent years. For research purposes, elements of qualitative methodology were used. The narratives were analyzed considering psychoanalysis, and supported by the social interpretation of the reports. The results showed a significant trend towards a relationship between the concepts, the subject studied and the stories told in the interviews, leading us to reflect on the emotional impact of these relationships on work environments, individuals and society.


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Author Biographies

Leandro Marcucci, International Iberoamerican University

Jornalista e especialista em Marketing, Propaganda e Comportamento do Consumidor (Univali)Especialista em Gestão de Pessoas e Qualidade (FGV) e Liderança (USP) Psicopedagogo e Neuropsicólogo (Univille)Perito Criminal (University of Queensland Austrália)Terapeuta, Psicanalista e Coach (University of North Carolina)Mestrado em Administração (Univali)Mestrado em Tecnologia da Informação (Universidad Europeia del Atlantico)PHD em Gestão e Projetos (International Iberoamerican University)

Ruan Carlos dos Santos, UNIAVAN, SED-SC, UNIVALI/

Doutorando em Administração pela UNIVALI. Mestre em Administração de Empresas pela UNIVALI. Especialista em Metodologia de Ensino de Filosofia e Sociologia pela FCV. Especialista em Gestão Empresarial pela FAPAG. Especialista em EAD e Metodologia Superior pela UNISOCIESC. Licenciatura em Filosofia e Ciências Sociais pela FAERPI.
Bacharelando em Administração pela UFSC. Bacharel em Teologia pela FACASC. Bacharel em Filosofia pela UNISUL
Membro do Grupo. Estudos de Estratégia e Performance (GEEP) do CNPQ / UNIVALI


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