Despotic leadership and job satisfaction among nurses: role of emotional exhaustion

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Abdul Samad
Salman Bashir Memon
Imdad Ali


Job satisfaction is reported with chronic issues in the healthcare sector. Specifically, in the current milieu of COVID-19 pandemic, a grave attention has been divulged on the support of the healthcare system and wellbeing of paramedic staff. There is a dearth of research on contemporary leadership in the healthcare sector, particularly in developing countries. Objective of this study was to find the direct negative effect of despotic leadership on job satisfaction through emotional exhaustion among nurses based on Affective Events Theory assumptions. Data from a sample of 265 registered nurses was collected through self-administered questionnaire distribution method deployed in public hospitals using stratified random sampling technique. The data analysis results of PLS-SEM support for the assumed effect revealed that emotional exhaustion played the meditation role between despotic leadership and job satisfaction among nurses. This study advances AET theoretical shores, research knowledge, and suggests considering feasible practical implications for HR and government bodies in the public healthcare sector in developing countries.


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Author Biographies

Abdul Samad, Muhammad Ali Jinnah University in Karachi, Pakistan.

Abdul Samad, PhD, is an assistant professor of human resource management in the Department of Management Science of Muhammad Ali Jinnah University in Karachi, Pakistan. He holds a PhD degree in human resource management conferred by University Utara Malaysia in 2019. He is also serving as a program advisor for the Management Sciences program of the university and a member of key committees in the university. With the research interest in waste area of social and management science, the author enjoys an edge in a variety of publications of international repute in the field of human resource management.

Salman Bashir Memon, Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur, Sindh, Pakistan

Salman Bashir Memon, PhD, is an associate professor of human resource management in the Institute of Business Administration of Shah Abdul Latif University in Khairpur, Pakistan. He is also a deputy director in the Directorate of Distance Education, where he is responsible for developing a learning management system for the distance education program. His current research interests include knowledge management, work-life-balance, workplace diversity, work design, mixed-methods research, and structural equation models. He earned his doctoral degree in management science from Queen Margaret University in Musselburgh, Scotland. Dr. Memon can be reached at

Imdad Ali, Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur, Sindh, Pakistan

Imdad Ali, PhD, is an assistant professor of human resource management in the Department of Public Administration of Shah Abdul Latif University in Khairpur, Pakistan. He received his doctoral degree ‘PhD’ in the field of human resource management from the University of Northampton, England. Combined with professional accreditation Dr. Jokhio has remained as an active member of Chartered Institute of personnel and Development (CIPD). His current research interests include talent management, employment relationship & employee engagement, workforce diversity and change management, case study and mixed-methods research.


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