Quality of technical assistance: economic evaluation of the quality in technical assistance processes

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Gabriel da Rocha Campos Politi
Tiberio Bruno Rocha Cruz
Daiane Maria De Genaro Chiroli
Ligia Greatti


This study aims to analyze the economic feasibility of hiring new technicians in order to meet the existing demand for technical assistance. For this, a sensitivity analysis was performed and the data was collected in a qualitative and quantitative way. After that interviews were carried out and quality tools were applied, such as: brainstorms, cause and effect diagram and also financial and cost data was collected during the process. Thus, it was possible to identify that the main causes of the problem is the unavailability of technicians. Thus, an initial solution was developed to create financial configurations to assess which decision would be most plausible. Finally, the best performance scenario was to hire only one new technician, as it maximizes the company's net profit and the representative percentage of that profit from the generated revenue; it was also considered to what extent the solution could be applied. This research is important not only for the studied company, but also for others that have similar problems and need instructions to create a direction for a solution.


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Author Biographies

Gabriel da Rocha Campos Politi, Federal University of Technology - Paraná

Graduado em engenharia de produção pela Universidade Federal de Tecnologia - Paraná

Tiberio Bruno Rocha Cruz, Federal University of Technology - Paraná

Graduado em engenharia de produção pela Universidade Federal  de Tecnologia - Paraná

Daiane Maria De Genaro Chiroli, Federal University of Technology - Paraná

Engenharia de produção pela Universidade Federal  de Tecnologia - Paraná

Ligia Greatti, State University of Maringá

Universidade Estadual de Maringá

Departamento de Administração


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