Lombard activities and social security of the country: interrelation and interdependence

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Ganna Kozachenko
Taina Zavora
Liudmyla Shapoval
صندلی اداری


The place and value of pawnshops in the financial market are considered in the article. The main indicators of activity of pawnshops are analyzed. The advantages and disadvantages of using the pawnshop services by the population are substantiated. The growth rate of pawnshop activity in Ukraine is determined on the basis of the method of estimating the integral indicator. The nature and specifics of the influence of social security indicators on the activity of pawnshops in Ukraine by means of correlation analysis are revealed. In the constructed econometric model, the factors that influence are the social security indicators of the country and the dependent values are indicators of pawnshop activity. The obtained results revealed a significant correlation between the social security indicators of the country and the indicators of pawnshop activity. The detail of the analysis showed the greatest correlation between the pawnshops' performance and the social security indicator – the ratio of the average monthly nominal wage to the subsistence level for one able-bodied person.


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Integration System of Education, Science and Production
Author Biographies

Ganna Kozachenko, National Academy of Internal Affairs

Kozachenko  Ganna ­ ­­­- Doctor of Science (Economics), Professor has been working at the Department of financial law and fiscal administrating  University.

She teaches disciplines business law, system of economic security of an enterprise, social-economic security of a region.

Scientific interests: economic security studies, enterprise costs

ResearcherID H-6861-2018

Taina Zavora, National University «Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic»

Candidate of Science (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Finance, Banking and Taxification,

Zavora Taina - Candidate of Science (Economics), Associate Professor, Dept.has been working at the Department of Finance, Banking and Taxification University.

She teaches disciplines: Insurance, social insurance, financial services market.

Has practical experience of the manager at the enterprise "Intellectual Products".

Scientific interests: research on the formulation and implementation of social policy, social protection and social security.

ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3289-7177

ScopusID 56178712300

Liudmyla Shapoval, Kremenchuk National Mykhaylo Ostrogradskiy University

Liudmyla ShapovalCandidat of Science (Economics), Associate Professor Department of Accounting and Finance, Kremenchuk National Mykhaylo Ostrogradskiy University.

She teaches disciplines taught: Money and credit, Insurance, Social insurance, Insurance management, Banking system, Bank operations, Banking management, Financial activities of business entities.  

Scientific interests: insurance management and features of financial activity of subjects of menage, by the problems of functioning of money-market.

E-mail: shapoval.liudmyla@ukr.net

ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-000247422441


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